Get your freeVoice UC-Manager for Windows
The free Software-Suite for your freeVoice Headset adds Call-Control-Features and many usefull things like Recording, Presence-Synchronisation and Firmware-Updates.
Click on the Button bellow to get the actual Version of freeVoice UC-Manager.
or as ZIP-File...
MS Windows 7,8,10
MS .Net in actual Version
PC with 32 or 64 bit CPU
A freeVoice USB-Device
- 3CX Desktopclient (V>13 Pro/Ent)
- Aarenet Softphones (audio only)
- Avaya Aura
- Avaya Equinox
- Avaya IX Workplace
- Avaya OX Agent (audio only)
- Avaya OX Communic. (audio only)
- Avaya WebRTC
- BlueJeans (audio only)
- Broadsoft UC One (audio only)
- Broadsoft Team One (audio only)
- C4B XPhone Connect (audio only)
- Cisco Jabber
- Cisco Accessories Manager
- Counterpath Bria
- Counterpath Teams
- Counterpath Stretto
- Estos
- Microsoft Skype (audio only)
- Microsoft Skype for Business
- Microsoft Teams
- Mitel Softphones (audio only)
- PhonerLite
- sipgate team (audio only)
- Starface (audio only)
- Unify Softphones (audio only)
- Zoiper (audio only)
- Zoom (audio only)
- kuando Busylights
- Connects Softphoneclient with Headset
- Firmware-Updates for your Devices
- Presence-Synchronisation
- Synchronisation between Softphones
- Works with Kuando-Busylights
- Optional "Auto-Busy" on Callstart
- 3 Different Quality-Settings
- Start/Stopp with your Call
- Manual Start/Stopp
- Shortcut to recorded Files
- Pipe-API
- Exe-API
- HTTP (restAPI like) API
- Interface for TAPI
- Simulated Hotkeys
- Action-URL for some Events
- Shortcuts to System->Audio
- Support and Feedback-Functions
Update the Firmware of your Device to get the latest features and improvements. Check the Version-History to see the changes for your connected Device.
Recording Feature
Automatically Record your Calls in 3 different Quality levels. Select, if you want to automatically or manually start your Calls.
You can Start/Stop Recordings from your Device-Window in UC-Manager. You also find a shortcut to the Recording-Folder.
Action-URLs for many Call and Software-Events:
- Call-Start
- Call-End
- Incoming Call
- Incoming Call ended
- App-Start
- App-Close
- Presence-Change
- New Device connected
Connect Hotkeys to Headset-Events
Associate a button press on the headset with a hotkey. This function can help to enable CallControl on unsupported softphone clients. Together with the external applications of the UC-Manager (HookOff.exe, HookOn.exe ...) and the Tapi interface, fully functional call controlling can be enabled on some unsupported softphone clients. (Hotkeys must always be used together with other interfaces. With hotkeys alone it is not possible to accept calls via headset)
MSI Installer
The freeVoice UC Manager is also available as an MSI installation package. Click on the Button bellow to get the actual Version of freeVoice UC-Manager as an MSI package.
APIs for freeVoice UC-Manager
We offer also open APIs for our UC-Manager. The APIs are used to remotely control the headset from your own software. (A running instance of the freeVoice UC Manager is necessary).
Follow this link for more Information about the Pipe-API.
With installed UC-Manager, Activate HTTP-API and open in your browser.
In the Installation-Folder, you will find the Exe-Files for the Exe-API (HookOn.exe, HookOff.exe, RingOn.exe...). Take a look at the Estos-configuration as an example.